More than just aesthetics

Wooden wicks often get identified with the aesthetic aspect, and we don't blame them, their distinctive flat horizontal flame gives your candle a modern feel that you won't get with a cotton wick, but these beauties are more than just that. They offer many benefits to your candles, and today I'm going to share with you five reasons why at The Aroma of Summer and Autumn, we choose wooden wicks.

1.Clean burn: say goodbye to the sooty residue and hello to a clean-burning candle! Wooden provide minimal carbon, soot, and debris build-up. If you trim off any charred wood from previous burns, your flame will shine clean and bright.

  1. long-lasting: The life of your candle is another excellent reason. They burn slower than regular cotton wicks.

3.Toxin-free: because our wicks are 100% wood, they are eco-friendly and sustainable and toxin and phthalate-free. : You are going to love the next fact! Our wooden wick supplier uses wood sourced from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified, and for every $100 spent with them, they plant a tree.

  1. Cracklings ambiance: wooden wick candles have a distinct crackling sound when burning, creating a calming atmosphere.

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