how this journey began…

  hello! I'm karen.


About us/History of TAOSAA

velvaere is the product of passion-turned-business which bloomed from the seed of curiosity planted in the fields of my mind during my Monday morning routine.

I love the feeling of calmness scented candles would bring me during the start of a hectic week. As the day ended, I would heat up some tea, slap on a face mask and open a good book. As the delightful fragrance from the burning candle dissipated, I began to wonder how the chemicals evanescing from the melting wax were affecting the air I was breathing. I then began to conduct voluminous research on what the process to make perfumed candles entailed. It was during this endeavor that I realized how most candles on the market were filled with highly toxic chemicals such as sulfates and phthalates. I left no stone unturned in search for alternatives to enjoy my weekly routine but struggled to find products that contained simple, natural, safe ingredients free from paraffin – a highly toxic chemical that petroleum-based candles release. Driven by a passion for nature-based products and my motivation to continue my wellness journey, the little fuse on my head lit and the idea of creating my own product sprouted. I wanted to pass on to others the same sense of joy and calmness aromatic candles evoked in me whilst minimizing the toxins they released indoors as well as our atmosphere. After plentiful research, trial-and-error experimenting, prayer, and with the support of my wonderful husband, on November 20th, 2020. 




  • To encourage and promote the use of safe, 100% nature-based, sustainable products whilst helping people who are self-care conscious embark on their wellness journey.





  • · Natural 
  • · Health
  • · Sustainability
  • · Self-care